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"I Do My Own Stunts" Broken Bone 13" Monkey - Broken Arm or Leg Gift for Kids

"I Do My Own Stunts" Broken Bone 13" Monkey - Broken Arm or Leg Gift for Kids

This get well monkey is one of our most popular get well gifts at Kikilishop!  We've been trying to add more gifts that cater to specific situations.  With this monkey, you can choose the cheerleader, girl doing gymnastics, person falling off a bike, the tricycle, balance beam and more!  No matter how the kiddo was injured, we got you cover.  Like always, you have many options to choose from!  You can choose the cast color, bow or bowtie color, and cast location.  The cast is removable (it is not sewed on) so when your little one is all better, just remove the cast!  It is made out of foam so everything on the plushie is soft.  Whatever color you choose for the cast will also be the color for the writing on the chest and the bow/bowtie.  It makes a great gift for someone that you know that has broken a bone.  Now with the option of adding a real superhero cape to make this gift all that much more special.


Color Options:

* Pink Hearts Pattern

* Pink

* Camo
* Orange
* Yellow
* White
* Beige
* Lime Green
* Sea Foam Green
* Red
* Purple
* Forest Green
* Navy Blue
* Blue
* Light Blue

  • Processing Time:

    1-2 Days

Chest and Cast Color
Cape Color